Our Services
Service Contracts
Motion Gate Ltd offer a comprehensive repair and
maintenance service including annual and biannual service contracts, for both domestic and for commercial systems.
We also offer free safety tests on each system repaired or serviced.
Domestic Servicing
Standard - £210.00 + VAT
(Annual parts inspection and service. One annual breakdown call-out and repair
priority response Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm)
Premium - £270.00 + VAT
(Annual parts inspection and service. One annual breakdown call-out and repair priority response to any callout 24hrs a day)
Commercial Servicing
Standard - £380.00 + VAT
(Bi-Annual parts inspection and service. One annual breakdown call-out and repair
priority response Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm)
Premium - £420.00 + VAT
(Bi-Annual parts inspection and service. One annual breakdown call-out and repair priority response to any callout 24hrs a day)
Flat Rate Repair
Domestic Flat Rate Repair - £180.00 + VAT Commercial Flat Rate Repair - £240.00 + VAT
Force Testing - £150.00 + VAT